The Path leads to a swarm of enemies, pick up an auto-sentry to help you then head out. The next group of enemies includes a Promethean knight.
He can take a lot of damage, unless you are constantly wearing him down. Clear out the crawlers first so both you and the auto sentry can coordinate fire on the knight. Enter the building and pick which weapon you feel like taking with you, the bolt-shot is a cross between the magnums head shot ability and the plasma pistols overcharge ability; the suppressor is a smg with high capacity, and the light rifle is essentially a battle rifle. Upon exiting the building you will meet 2 knights, set up your sentry and continue to lay down fire on one of them. Once his shield goes down(blue flash), keep up the pressure, otherwise his shield will come back up ridiculously fast. Follow the pathway straight to fight another knight and some crawlers, then into a cave which leads to a checkpoint. This platform has 2 gun cases, 1 on either side, keep refilling your ammo and remember the light rifle does slightly more damage when not ADS. Kill the crawlers first, and the knight will teleport up near you. use the sentry to cover you, and keep firing until he disintegrates. Jump down and look underneath the right platform for a terminal.continue up the path and through the building to run into more enemies, use the ledge and your autosentry to thin the horde before you dive in, and take out the three generators in a counter-clockwise sweep, the one in the back left corner offers cover and is closest to the next waypoint.use the light rifle hipfire to clear the crawlers,use the interior of the buildings for cover and ammo. Scope in to kill the watchers, or they will deflect any attack you aim at the knights. upon destroying the third generator, three knights will apear as will a watcher, again kill the watcher and use the auto-turret and cover to wear the knights down. Climb the tower and deactivate it to get a cut scene. Climb through the portal and proceed to the second tower. Deploy your turret, but let the covenant and Prometheans fight each other and clean up the leftover resistance, using the path to your right and into the middle of the level. Take the oportunity to fill up your weapons and look for new guns, then head up the path, toward a knight and a turret. Kill the knight and stay in cover, because if you come out, the turret will turn you into a well-done chief burger. Kill the turret and enter the tower; use the cover on the right in each room to protect you, deploy your sentry,and wear down the covenant in each level. repeat this strategy until you reach the top level, where one of the knights has an insta-kill laser. stay behind cover and kill the elites, then focus your attention on the knights, if you see the knight begin to charge his laser, duck back behind cover and try to wait him out. Use your turret as a decoy and hit him while he is turned to face it. Head to the waypoint, and try to communicate with the Infinity. Watch the cutscene, and curse a little bit. Jump onto a ghost and drive as fast as you can, while avoiding the walls. reach the portal at the end to get another cutscene.
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