Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Black OPS 2

So, this game is awesome. How awesome? well i haven't been on here for a week, that's how awesome. Just kidding, Black Ops 2 is good, but just how good? The story picks up some of the loose ends left by its predecessor, and jumps from past to future and back again. The campaign also lets you use custom loadouts for each mission, but you will have to unlock everything that you want to use by completing challenges. Each mission will have 10 challenges, and while you can finish the mission without doing the challenges; they offer a good way to spice things up when you get bored of just shooting stuff. The fan-favorite zombie mode is back, and it features a nifty new map menu, as well as a difficulty selector and a few surprising new modes, like survival and grief, in addition to the regular zombie mode. Black Ops 2 also features the staple of shooter games, MULTIPLAYER!!!!!!!! Multiplayer is fast paced, with weapons that kill in as little as 1 shot, and others that can fire 5-6 rounds per second, the amount of DPS(damage per second) these guns do means quick kills, and fast deaths. Use cover as much as possible, and if you are a bonifide rusher (like myself) keep in mind that flanking is your best weapon, as the maps contain long sightlines, and several chokepoints, if you run straight into groups of entrenched enemies, you will have lots of fun respawning. Since multiplayer is to big for me to do in depth in one post, i'll be throwing a few entrys up with gun statistics, or perk and loadout benefits, stay tuned, and i might even outline the maps! Until i finish those, just remember use cover, reload before you rush in, and take the road less traveled to avoid large groups of "bad dudes".

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