Sunday, May 27, 2012

Skyrim: Sneak

There are many ways to play a game, and many ways to beat it, however, one way is always a little smarter than the others. Running headfirst into battle with a stronger enemy (or multiple enemies for that matter) is one way to prove you aren't immortal. It's always beneficial to catch your opponent off-guard, and one sure way to do that is to sneak. Sneaking will make you harder to see, letting you get much closer to enemies without them seeing you or trying to attack you. In addition, attacking an enemy that doesnt see you will also increase the amount of damage you do to them. If you buff this innate ability with a few perks in the sneak tree, soon your archery will do 3X as much damage while sneaking, and your dagger attacks will do 15X the damage if you are undetected! Other sneak perks will allow you to dissapear from long-range enemies, or even stop you from triggering pressure plates! That perk alone will make dungeon delving a much simpler process.

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