Friday, May 25, 2012

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

It is very rare that a gamer can find a game worth playing for over 40 hours of play time, even rarer to find a game that you can EASILY spend over 100 hours playing before completing the main storyline. Skyrim is one of those games that even if you have done EVERYTHING(which won't happen) you'll be extremely tempted to start over and do it all again, and maybe Spec. your character a little differently. With 10 playable character races, each with their own distinct benefits; ranging from enhanced nightvision to the ability to breathe underwater, or enhanced regeneration. With so many choices, each has its own unique benefits and drawbacks for every playstyle, but we'll talk about that later; my point is that you'll be tempted to see the world through many different pairs of eyes, all with a special story to tell.

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