Thursday, November 10, 2011

Modern Warfare 3

Sorry, i haven't posted anything, i was... ummmmm... busy. Modern Warfare 3 came out this week, and i had to start playing, and i just couldn't stop. As far as Call of Duty titles go, this one has something for everyone, and it is balanced enough that even rookies should be able to enjoy it. The multi-player maps are much larger than other "Duty's", and the progression and rank up system is like Modern Warfare 2, but with a twist. You rank up your player level as well as your weapons levels, so rank up to earn new guns and use those guns to earn new attachments. Fans of the series will notice a few changes in the "perks" and what they do. on a side-note, Spec. Ops missions are back, and even includes new survival mode, It's essentially the same as "horde mode" or "Firefight", but you unlock new weapons and abilities as you rank up in this mode, and your unlocks carry over every time you play. Last, but certainly not least..... the campaign. The story from MW and MW2 is back, and better than ever, new graphics, new weapons, new "vehicles" (trying not to spoil anything). The storyline was excellent, and it's filled with moments where you either yell "OH SHIT!", or "WHHHHAAAT? Did that just happen?". I'd give COD:MW3 a 9.5 out of 10, It's not perfect, but it's definitely the best "Arcade Shooter" out there.

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